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this is a unique problem for me. I am creating a form that will have a repeating table which the user will use to complete. I am using a excel file as an example that the user had created multiple tabs for different purposes. The multiple tabs represents different reports needed. . Each tab has a consistent set of fields ...
anybody have any ideas on this please??
I am trying to put together a calculation..... I have a field called Devices (whole number)
I have a field called Users (whole number)i have a field for the calculation that will charge users * $50
NEW calculation needs to figure if the number of devices is GREATER
">" than the number of users by more than ...
any idea on this one anybody?
Been awhile.... but my question is, when i submit a form, the dialog box that is setup in the submit options to provide a dialog box for successful submission or not successful is not working even though i have clearly set it up to happen when the form is submitted to a sharepoint list. Any reason why this ...
i figured ths one out.. I was missing a "("
substring(eval(eval((IDQ |Hub | ETL | DAL |RTI |ImpactToBudget |ImpactToTimeline)[. !=""], 'concat(", ", .)'), ".."),3)
I created this formula but i can not figure out what is wrong as I keep getting an error when i verify it....
my formula: substring(eval(eval(IDQ |Hub | ETL | DAL |RTI |ImpactToBudget |ImpactToTimeline)[. !=""], 'concat(", ", .)'), ".."),3)
I get this error:
Expected value ...
yes it opens the forms for me in the web browser..... you think she is opening these forms with Infopath client itself? Maybe she is still using client 2007 to open a browser form? Can a person even do that? I am reaching here..... I dont know.
yes i publish it the same way...... to the Sharepoint Library. Yes, it is also a SP 2010 site. follow the publish wizard just like with the 2007 forms........
YES, this is correct.... in the browser. when they open the form, they get the error.