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Hilary, The problem could be that I came up with a solution which is a bad solution and that's why I'm having so much difficulty. So here’s what I’m really doing: I have a sql database of employees. I have a web service that returns some of them as a dataset. I want to display these to the user, let the user select ...
Yes, except I'm copying them to the queryfields of a secondary data source. So, it's not a sql connection, it's a web service connection.
So, I put up a list of items in a multi-select listbox, let the user choose some, then send the selected items in a repeating table to the web service. I have to use ...
Thanks for the reply.
I guess what I'm looking for is a multiselect table as opposed to a multiselect listbox.
It's a SQL connection.
Thank you. Yes, The part I didn't know was that I had to re-inject qRules after doing "remove code".
I assume if there were an easy was for you to disable the"Edit Form Code" button, you would have done it as part of injecting qrules. So far I've clicked the button 3 times by mistake ...
How do I un-inject QRules from an Infopath file?
And I think this is a related question: I'm just trying out QRules. If you accidentally click on "Edit Form Code...", for example in Button Properties in InfoPath, it appears that QRules stops working. Is that correct? What can you do to get it ...
I have a secondary data connection which returns a DataSet of employee information.
I want to display the records in a table and allow the user to choose 1 (or more) records from the table.
Is there a way to do this? What control(s) would I use?
Yes, it's working for me now. I don't know why I couldn't get it to work in both directions yesterday. Thank you for the reply, Hilary.
Can someone explain why you can't pass a parameter to a web service, as a secondary datasource, and have it return some data?
Since InfoPath can pass parameters (submit) to a web service and can get back data (in the form of a datasource) that it ought to be able to do both with the same secondary data connection.
What's the ...
I'm new to this.
I'm doing InfoPath query/submit using a web service and a dataset. My SQLAdapter.UpdateCommand function gets called correctly, and I use the Primary key to update the row. It all works (although I'm not exactly clear on what's going on behind the scenes).
Now, I'm including multiple tables in my dataset ...
I'm trying to follow S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton' s instructions for saving InfoPath XML to SQL via a web service. I'm not sure whether I set up the Visual Studio Project correctly.
When I access the web page from InfoPath, the error I get is:
"A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or ...