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  • Re: How to present a table to user to make a selection

    Hilary,&nbsp;The problem could be that I came up with a solution which is a bad solution and that&#39;s why I&#39;m having so much difficulty.&nbsp; So heres what Im really doing:&nbsp;I have a sql database of employees.&nbsp; I have a web service that returns some of them as a dataset. I want to display these to the user, let the user select ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 01-10-2010
  • Re: How to present a table to user to make a selection

    &nbsp; Yes, except I&#39;m copying them to the queryfields of a secondary data source.&nbsp; So, it&#39;s not a sql connection, it&#39;s a web service connection.&nbsp; So, I put up a list of items in a multi-select listbox, let the user choose some, then send the selected items in a repeating table to the web service.&nbsp; I have to use ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 01-08-2010
  • Re: How to present a table to user to make a selection

    Hilary, Thanks for the reply. I guess what I&#39;m looking for is a multiselect table as opposed to a multiselect listbox.&nbsp; It&#39;s a SQL connection. &nbsp; Dave
    Posted to General (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 01-07-2010
  • Re: How to remove QRules

    &nbsp; Thank you. Yes,&nbsp; The part I didn&#39;t know was that I had to re-inject qRules after doing &quot;remove code&quot;.&nbsp; &nbsp;I assume if there were an easy was for you to disable the&quot;Edit Form Code&quot; button, you would have done it as part of injecting qrules.&nbsp; So far I&#39;ve clicked the button 3 times by mistake ...
    Posted to Qdabra qRules (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 01-07-2010
  • How to remove QRules

    Hi, How do I un-inject QRules from an Infopath file? &nbsp; And I think this is a related question:&nbsp; I&#39;m just trying out QRules.&nbsp; If you accidentally click on &quot;Edit Form Code...&quot;, for example in Button Properties in InfoPath, it appears that QRules stops working.&nbsp; Is that correct?&nbsp; What can you do to get it ...
    Posted to Qdabra qRules (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 01-07-2010
  • How to present a table to user to make a selection

    I have a secondary data connection which returns a DataSet of employee information. I want to display the records in a table and allow the user to choose 1 (or more) records from the table. &nbsp;Is there a way to do this?&nbsp; What control(s) would I use? &nbsp; Thanks.
    Posted to General (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 01-04-2010
  • Re: Why can't a secondary data connection be both submit and receive?

    &nbsp; Yes, it&#39;s working for me now.&nbsp; I don&#39;t know why I couldn&#39;t get it to work in both directions yesterday.&nbsp; Thank you for the reply, Hilary. &nbsp; Dave &nbsp;
    Posted to General (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 12-30-2009
  • Why can't a secondary data connection be both submit and receive?

    Can someone explain why you can&#39;t pass a parameter to a web service, as a secondary datasource, and have it return some data? Since InfoPath can pass parameters (submit) to a web service and can get back data (in the form of a datasource) that it ought to be able to do both with the same secondary data connection.&nbsp; What&#39;s the ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 12-29-2009
  • Submit function for datasets containing multiple tables

    I&#39;m new to this. I&#39;m doing InfoPath query/submit using a web service and a dataset. My SQLAdapter.UpdateCommand function gets called correctly, and I use the Primary key to update the row.&nbsp; It all works (although I&#39;m not exactly clear on what&#39;s going on behind the scenes). Now, I&#39;m including multiple tables in my dataset ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 12-18-2009
  • Writing InfoPath XML to SQL via web service

    I&#39;m trying to follow S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton&#39; s instructions for saving InfoPath XML to SQL via&nbsp;a web service.&nbsp; I&#39;m not sure whether I set up the Visual Studio Project correctly.&nbsp; When I access the&nbsp;web page from InfoPath, the error I get is:&nbsp; &quot;A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by David Fingerhut on 12-02-2009
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