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Sorry for late to reply. I set up DisableloopbackCheck value, and this time I could install DBXL v 2.4 on SharePoint (Foundation) with internet accessible host name.
Thank you for the help.
Thank you for always wonderful blog. Can we do the same thing for attached files?
Did you try to change database name, such as DBXL3 and DBXLSmaple3. Our DBXL is using database name, DBXL6 because we have failed several times at installation.
I had created a form like discussed here, the form has main data connection to a database.
The form was saved in DBXL (v2.3) and SharePoint library, but I did not notice that mapping to databse would be a problem. Is there any workaroud to map datas from DBXL to database even in this kind of form?
We have been using DBXL v2.3 (x64) with the same server specifications, such as windows 2008 (x64), SQL 2008 workgroup (x64), and WSS 3.0 (x64). We have been having the same issue from the beninning, but I could open DAT from the browser, http://servername/Qdabrawebservice/Forms/DAT/template.xml, I have started DBXL and have been ...
Thank you for the reply. I am looking forward to future release of qRules.
Is it possible to submit items including attachments to SharePoint List with qRules v 2.0?
To save files to SharePoint with qRules is very usefull, but I am hoping to add other column properties when we save a document. Therefore, I have been looking at both functions (to save a file to SharePoint and to submit items to ...
Thank you for the prompt reply. We are using InfoPath2007, though I am not willing to use a code. But I also found previous post;
It was very easy if we need DocID from the second opening of a ...
I have noticed that we can insert RefID into a document by setting up it from DAT, which is wonderfull, though I wish I could know it before.
I am wondering if there is a similar way to insert DocID into a document automatically.
Thank you for the reply. I have set "delete" permission to users in the DBXL Admin Tool, and now deleting a file from WSS can delete the file from DBXL too. I am wondering if we have to set permissions whenever we create a Form Library in WSS or we can set a default setting in web.config file which allows users to ...