Date format in date control field type - InfoPath Dev

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Date format in date control field type

Last post 10-12-2015 06:27 AM by davydcondy. 19 replies.
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  • 10-06-2015 07:01 AM In reply to

    Re: Date format in date control field type

    When I enter (51615) the dates does not output (5/16/2015), the output is actually the following: concat("20", substring(translate(., "/", ""), 4, 2), "-0", substring(translate(., "/", ""), 1, 1), "-", substring(translate(., "/", ""), 2, 2)).

    The second fields also does not hide. I have been trying to created a form, so an action reverts the error (2015-16-5).

    Let me know for other ideas.

  • 10-08-2015 04:56 PM In reply to

    To hide the DateValue field from display, all you need to do is to delete it from the display. The field will still hold the value since it is still in the schema.

    One thing I noticed is that on the second action rule, the formula was not inserted as a function. You will need to click the fx button and enter the formula there.

    Please try this updated test form. 

    Don Stephen Lambatin / Support Engineer
    Qdabra Software
  • 10-10-2015 09:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Date format in date control field type

    Everything works! However, I want to used the " Date and Time (dateTime) " data type not the date data type.

    Can you create an example with using the Date and Time (dateTime) " data type? possibly using the same rules.

  • 10-11-2015 10:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Date format in date control field type

    I am unable to guarantee if what you need will work, but we can give it a shot - however, chaging the data type to date and time would also require entering the time as well. The entry 41315 to get 4/13/2015 would now need to have a specific time included, which would mean chaging the validation rule's conditions (pattern and string length logic), as well as the formula to extract the date.

    Are you encountering issues if the Date field is not set to Date and Time? What would be the entry to the date and time field if we are to add time?

    Don Stephen Lambatin / Support Engineer
    Qdabra Software
  • 10-12-2015 06:27 AM In reply to

    Re: Date format in date control field type

    The date field does not work in an InfoPath, SQL external list.

    The date and time field does not matter about the time, but it would be great to not output the time. Only the date input for the date and time data type is important; therefore, 081515 to 8/15/2015 ... 81515 to 8/15/2015.. etc.


    I am unable to guarantee if what you need will work, but we can give it a shot - however, chaging the data type to date and time would also require entering the time as well. The entry 41315 to get 4/13/2015 would now need to have a specific time included, which would mean chaging the validation rule's conditions (pattern and string length logic), as well as the formula to extract the date.

    Are you encountering issues if the Date field is not set to Date and Time? What would be the entry to the date and time field if we are to add time?

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