Hi --
Are you looking to filter the data before it is returned to your form? Or do you return all the data to your form and you only want to be able to filter the items shown to the user?
If you are looking to filter the data before it is returned to your form, you'll either need to modify the query before it is run using code, or use a web service such as our Database Accelerator product that will allow you to create a dynamic query using rules.
If you have already returned all 1000 names to the form (and you aren't finding it a performance hit) you can use a filter on your table. You'll need to add a field to your form to allow your user to enter (or select) the leter they are looking for, and then, in your table, under Properties, selec the Display tab, and filter the data to display the rows where the name begins with the letter entered in the field. Let me know if you need more detail, okay?