Use managed code to save InfoPath 2007 Form to SharePoint - InfoPath Dev

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Use managed code to save InfoPath 2007 Form to SharePoint

Last post 07-11-2008 08:53 AM by Moe.Vafaei. 3 replies.
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  • 07-10-2008 12:00 PM

    Use managed code to save InfoPath 2007 Form to SharePoint

    Could anybody help me with a code or link that can be used to save an IP form 2007 to SharePoint library.

    I know this can be done trough rules, but I've created some code in the
    Submit click event that save some data to Oracle and if operation is
    successfull, then I want the form to be saved in SharePoint, otherwise not.
    Right now Rules in Submit button are executed first and no matter success or
    failure in database, it always saves the form in library.

    Very appreciate your solution.


  • 07-10-2008 10:42 PM In reply to

    Re: Use managed code to save InfoPath 2007 Form to SharePoint

    If you have the data connection created then you would just use a .Submit() to call the submit when you wanted from code.

  • 07-11-2008 06:25 AM In reply to

    Re: Use managed code to save InfoPath 2007 Form to SharePoint

    Hi Clay,

    Thank you very much for the reply. I'm kind of new to InfoPath. Yes there is a data connction that a rule inside the submit button uses it to save the form to a sharepoint library.

    You mentioned about .Submit, but how can I call that connection inside my VB .Net code?  Would you please provide me a line of code to do that?

    Greatly apprecite it.





  • 07-11-2008 08:53 AM In reply to

    Re: Use managed code to save InfoPath 2007 Form to SharePoint

    Please discard my previous post. I found the command for VB .Net:

    DataConnections("<<Connection Name>>").Execute()

     Thank you.

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