Hiding and unhiding sections of string-backed checkboxes - InfoPath Dev

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Hiding and unhiding sections of string-backed checkboxes

Last post 02-03-2025 11:32 AM by Hilary Stoupa. 2 replies.
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  • 02-03-2025 08:47 AM

    Hiding and unhiding sections of string-backed checkboxes

    I have a form with 4 sections arranged in the following manner: a string-backed checkbox is used to determine if a section of other string-backed checkboxes gets displayed or not; specifically, the section is only displayed if the "mater" checkbox is checked. This show/hide functionality works as expected. One of the 4 sections also works otherwise as expected. But with the other 3, toggling any of the "master" checkboxes unchecks all "slave" checkboxes, even in sections not associated with that master. This happens even if I remove the conditional hiding of these sections. These "erasures" happen even when I toggle other checkboxes at the same level as the "masters" (think of them as masters w/o any slaves). Note that the slaves subject to this problem also are not saving their values to the submitted record, which seems too coincidental to not be relevant, but I have no idea how. The slaves in the section that doesn't show this problematic behavior also get properly saved. Any ideas as to what might cause this (these?) issues, or where I might look for the cause of the problem (if not the solution)?
  • 02-03-2025 11:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Hiding and unhiding sections of string-backed checkboxes

    Never mind :) The field/control bindings hadn't been properly set. I did so via Infopath Designer; didn't see a way to do so from the FV designer. I'm guessing that, since the controls weren't bound to anything, any chance the webform got it reset them. Anyway, thanks for letting me work it out on my own!
  • 02-03-2025 11:32 AM In reply to

    Re: Hiding and unhiding sections of string-backed checkboxes

    Well done! :)
    Hilary Stoupa

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