Why can't I set a value as a default? - InfoPath Dev

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Why can't I set a value as a default?

Last post 07-07-2022 01:57 PM by alo123. 2 replies.
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  • 07-06-2022 01:58 PM

    Why can't I set a value as a default?

    In the New Item view, the default view, I have a secondary data source field which I want to use as a drop down list (Inventory Disposition). I am editing the choices but for some reason I can't set any of the choices as a default. What am I doing wrong?
  • 07-07-2022 08:45 AM In reply to

    Re: Why can't I set a value as a default?

    Thanks for the sample. This is just an InfoPath oddity - you'll probably need to use another secondary data source for your dropdown values instead of trying to manually enter the choices. As you can see, the dropdown control won't let you pick a default value when manually adding options on a dropdown bound to a secondary data source. You could also temporarily use a main data source field, set up the dropdown, and then change the binding to trick it, but I would probably just use a secondary data source for the choices. Oh, and now I realize - this is probably supposed to be the same choices as the main data source inventory disposition, right? There is already a secondary data source in the form for these choices - see attached. Right click the template, save the file locally. Right click the saved file, select Design. Check the properties on the Inv. Disp. dropdown.
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 07-07-2022 01:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Why can't I set a value as a default?

    Thanks for replying. That worked!
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