Speed of loading repeating table - InfoPath Dev

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Speed of loading repeating table

Last post 09-20-2015 11:52 PM by kromeda. 2 replies.
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  • 09-20-2015 02:23 PM

    Speed of loading repeating table

    Hello! I just have noticed, that just imagine you have a table on a view binded to seconadry data source, this table have few columns, and about 500+ rows e.g.. Let's just leave "automatically load data when form opens" on the data connection for that table, so when the form opens, it loads immediatly (no delay). Now, just add on a view a button, and put it a rule to query data for this table. Simple. And after you open the form, and hit the button it will take you a while to reload the data in a table (delay happened). Hmm, why does it took some time to reload? Now just add another view. On this view place a button with 2 rules, first will query data for our table, second will switch view back to main view with table. After hitting button from second view it will immediatly reload data and switch view back to first (no delay). Data also restores fast in the case when table is hidden. Please, help me to improve my forms. How can i reaload data without delays from the view in which my table is located? Thanks
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  • 09-20-2015 04:42 PM In reply to

    Re: Speed of loading repeating table

    Hello Kromeda,

    We have encountered this problem and one quick solution is to add paging logic to your form. Here's a guide/reference you can use for paging: Add Paging to Large Tables for Faster Performance. Also when dealing with 500+ rows, I would recommend transferring the query logic onto the paging buttons - this might be a bit tricky to add but greatly improves the form's performance.

    Since the most scalabale solution when dealing with hundreds or thouhsads of data is to use a database, another option you might want to look into is Qdabra's Database Accelerator. If you are using SQL, DBXL can help you reduce time to load data from the SQL database by using query filters.

    Hope this helps.


    Don Stephen Lambatin / Support Engineer
    Qdabra Software
  • 09-20-2015 11:52 PM In reply to

    Re: Speed of loading repeating table

    Thanks, Don Stephen, query with paging logic was my "plan b". Just wounder why query data + switch view have more performance then just query data.
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