Automatically check-out form to a specific user - InfoPath Dev

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Automatically check-out form to a specific user

Last post 04-01-2019 08:03 AM by zakaria.botros. 4 replies.
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  • 08-13-2015 02:25 PM

    Automatically check-out form to a specific user


     We have an infopath browser form designed in infopath 2013, and the form is published to a SharePoint 2013 on primise site.

     We are running into the problem where more than one user can update the form at one time. Obviously, this is a well known problem as infopath dev has a blog post on it ( We have implemented the solution contained in the post; however, we have noticed that forms checked out via the lists.asmx web service show as checked out to System Account. Is there any way to automatically check out a form to the user that has it open (ie not to System Account)?

     The problem is that we can automatically check a form out for someone, but there is no guarantee that the user will close out of the form by using a button we have placed on the form (ie they could just close out of the form by hitting the browser close button). So if a user closes out of the form via their browser close button, the form will not be checked back in. We want to automatically check a form out to the specific user so that in the event that they close out with the browser button, we will at least know who to contact to make sure they are done editing the form. If "Checked Out To" is listed as System Account, we can't know who has the form checked out and thus we cannot contact them to find out if the form can be checked in.

     Any solutions would be most appreciated! Thanks! 

  • 08-16-2015 11:36 PM In reply to

    Re: Automatically check-out form to a specific user


    We have another guide here for Checking forms In and Out, could you check this blog out?

    I believe It has a feature that takes the current user (step 4 of section 1) when checking a form out, but I'm not sure if this is what you specifically need.

    As for exiting the browser, I would suggest adding a bright red exit [X] button at the upper right portion of your page that has the Check-In rule - since InfoPath has no out of the box solution for this - perhaps you could try using code to hide the X button.

    I hope I am able to point you toward the right direction.



    Don Stephen Lambatin / Support Engineer
    Qdabra Software
  • 08-24-2015 06:40 AM In reply to

    Re: Automatically check-out form to a specific user


     thanks for the reply. I checked out the blog that you posted, but it pretty much exactly the same thing as the blog written by Hillary Stoupa (as far as the automatic check-in/check-out goes). I think i may have a solution that would work (unfortunately it like recreating the whole check-in/check-out process from scratch). I'll repost that solution if that works.

     Also, I do already have my own custom close button on the form but was just looking for a fool proof solution in case the user still doesn't hit my close button. Also, we are looking to avoid code, so hiding the browser's close button via code is not an option for us (however, i'm pretty sure it's not possible to hide the browser close button with code anyway).

     Again, thanks for the reply! 

  • 06-01-2016 07:58 AM In reply to

    Re: Automatically check-out form to a specific user

     Can you share the solution if you were able to solve it r not?


  • 04-01-2019 08:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Automatically check-out form to a specific user

    hello, did you find a solution for you problem?
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