Hello Duchess,
I would try using a "copy" button and submit data connection. As a best practice, create a field in your form called "FormName". On form open I generally will set it to something that is unique, such as concat(username(), "-", now()) only when FormName is blank. Then in the submit data connection use this field to name your forms. Put the submit on a button and disable the ribbon.
Next you'll want to add logic for your copy button. The actions here would be to clear the Approved field to unlock the form and change the FormName to the same concatenation, however now() will change the name to the current time.
Hope that helps!
Bre Huston
| Project Manager
Qdabra® Software / InfoPathDev.com / FormsQuo / 877.544.2389 main / 425.318.7843 direct
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