Simple question about qRules 4.2 - Will I screw things up if - - InfoPath Dev

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Simple question about qRules 4.2 - Will I screw things up if -

Last post 09-17-2012 08:28 AM by Hilary Stoupa. 1 replies.
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  • 09-17-2012 07:17 AM

    Simple question about qRules 4.2 - Will I screw things up if -

     Simple question about qRules 4.2....

    I'm new to qRules so I'm not sure yet what I can or cannot do that might break it.

    I'm looking to write some code that would take the file attachments in the form record and make them attachments in an email that we send out via the Info Path provided email submit data connection.

    Not quite sure how I am going to do this yet but so far everything I've look at requires coding.

    My concern is, if I start writing C# (or ?) code in the form, will this screw up qRules?


  • 09-17-2012 08:28 AM In reply to

    Re: Simple question about qRules 4.2 - Will I screw things up if -

    You can have custom code and qRules in a form together - here's a link to a document outlining this. If you have a form with qRules and commands that you now wish to add custom code to, you would not need to add the data connection to the QdabraRules XML yourself - you would need to add the code in the document to your custom code file and add a reference to the QdabraRules.dll

    However, you should know that you will not be able to use the InfoPath email data connection for this - it only allows attachments of type XML or XSN. This means either SMTP (and in a recent project we worked on we found SMTP to get rather horrid with multiple or large attachments) or the Outlook COM interface.

    Hilary Stoupa

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