SubmitToSharePointList doesn't create list items - InfoPath Dev

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SubmitToSharePointList doesn't create list items

Last post 09-10-2012 06:06 AM by ErnestoM. 3 replies.
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  • 09-07-2012 01:38 PM

    SubmitToSharePointList doesn't create list items

    I am baffled and have been working on this for a few days now.  I have a form, that needs to submit its data from a repeating section to a Sharepoint List.  I have followed the qrules instructions provided by Hilary for SubmitToSharePoint List but when I submit the form, it doesn't submit it to the list, but it submits just fine to the original document library. 

    I tested it by importing a completed xml file into the SharePoint List Tool and it submitted to the List just perfectly!  But for some reason it doesn't do anything when I try it by using the actual form and submit button.  I also added the error and result nodes and they are always blank.    I am thinking something must be wrong with my data connections or the qRules command.  I also created the WebServiceSubmit data connection by defining the parameters and then by not because I am using qRules4.2 and it said you didn't have to define these.  But neither works.  I am attaching all files for you to look at.  I am sure it is something very small and simple (I hope).

     Note, all of the mapping (except 1 field) is done with the 2nd page of the form, which is the repeating group.

  • 09-07-2012 01:54 PM In reply to

    Re: SubmitToSharePointList doesn't create list items

    Your form has custom code that will have disabled qRules. Is that intentional?

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 09-10-2012 05:55 AM In reply to

    Re: SubmitToSharePointList doesn't create list items

    Do you mean the custom code to obtain the signatures from AD?   

    So since you brought this up, I remembered that I read qRules had to be added a certain way if there was existing custom code on the form.  I had totally forgotten about this because when I first injected the qRules into the form with custom code, the custom code still worked and I thought it would break the custom code, so I just carried on setting up the form with qRules.  But now that you reminded me of this being an issue, I went back and followed the instructions for adding qRules to the form with custom code and tested it and EVERYTHING WORKS!!    Ugh, I could have saved myself a lot of time if I would've just followed that from the beginning.  Thank so much for your assistance!

  • 09-10-2012 06:06 AM In reply to

    Re: SubmitToSharePointList doesn't create list items

    In order for qRules to work alongside custom code, some special steps are needed.

    Here is the direct link to the PDF document that explains how to use qRules alongside custom code.

    If the code was added accidentally and you wish to remove it, Page 50 of the qRules User Guide has information.

    Ernesto Machado
    Qdabra® Software/
    The InfoPath Experts – Streamline data gathering to turn process into knowledge.™

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