InfoPath 2010 - Formatting issue when printing - InfoPath Dev

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InfoPath 2010 - Formatting issue when printing

Last post 03-01-2012 10:20 AM by kirkflanagan. 2 replies.
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  • 02-22-2012 07:08 AM

    InfoPath 2010 - Formatting issue when printing


    I have created a form that when the data has been submitted to SharePoint it displays a form view that it is read only, it is this view that the user uses to print a local copy of the form for their records this is done using the print browser option but when the document prints the drop down control values (Yes or No) appear as a grey format that is not is clear to read.

    Instead of using the read only properties for this view I have also tried using formatting rules on the drop down controls but the same result.

    The attached screen shot shows examples of this problem -

    Example A - This is where the first drop down box has had formatting rules applied but the second row does not

    Example B - This is where the view was made read only for all controls

    Any help is much appreciated as this is not the first time I have come across this issue but I really need to be able to lock down the form post submission to SharePoint and the problem only extends to when using drop down controls (I think) as the free type text controls are not affected, this can be seen in the example B where I have applied the read only property for the screen view and the free type value is okay.





  • 02-29-2012 02:59 PM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 - Formatting issue when printing

    You can change the control to a Calculated Value and then you will have more control over the look and feel via formatting rules.  This will display the true XML value though, but in your case since its just a Yes/No field that can be easily fixed using some rules.
    Anson Hidajat
    Qdabra® Software/
    The InfoPath Experts – Streamline data gathering to turn process into knowledge.™

  • 03-01-2012 10:20 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 - Formatting issue when printing

    Thanks for info Anson, on a SharePoint/InfoPath training course this week in London so will try your suggestion next week when back in office

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