OK, so I've read the instructions from Microsoft, the only problem is . . . I need more options.
To sum up, I've created a multiple step sequential approval process. Each reviewer either reject/approves it (using the custom task form created in SPD). Once it's approved, I would like the form to be closed in Read Only view, if rejected, the workflow stops, and the form should be available for editing by the user.
The problem I'm having is - Microsoft suggests using the workflow status to set the form view. But the only statuses I have are In Progress and Completed. OK, fine, Read Only can be set by In Progress, I'm cool with that. And Read Only can be set by Completed if the form was approved, sure. But what if what rejected? It's still "Completed", right?
I tried messing around with the content approval, but if the form is rejected, it creates a new, identical task for some reason. This can't happen.
Any suggestions on how to switch views?