problem overwriting sharepoint document? - InfoPath Dev

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problem overwriting sharepoint document?

Last post 09-18-2009 01:34 AM by mattmoose. 25 replies.
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  • 09-10-2009 07:23 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    The checkout feature is normally left off, but it should work either way.  Are there any SharePoint errors in the Application eventlog? When you open the file, are you opening from SharePoint or from a link to the file in DBXL? 

    Can you email the Qdabra eventlog to the Qdabra Support alias ? 


  • 09-10-2009 07:46 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    Hi Jim,Just emailed through the eventlog to support.I’m not trying to do anything funky, just open and edit the document from within the sharepoint form library, not from a link in DBXL. Everything works ok providing I wait around 15 to 20 minutes after editing the file, but if I try during this time it seems although the file is in use.
  • 09-10-2009 07:58 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    also, there are no sharepoint errors.

  • 09-14-2009 01:46 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    Any advance on why i might be seeing this issue with the file being in use? also any idea when a hotfix might be available to cure the initial issue?

  • 09-14-2009 02:20 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    ok some more information...


    Oddly, this only seems to occur after the form has been submitted twice...

    So i can open a new form, submit it, open and edit it and submit it again, but then the next time i open it i am presented with the file in use error. Hope this helps!


  • 09-15-2009 03:48 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    I've done an experiment to see if the same issue occurs when simply just saving files to the form libary, and it seems it does not. This problem only seems to occur when submitting via the DBXL webservice :-( does DBXL keep the file open for a while after it is submitted?

     Are you able to reproduce this issue at all?

  • 09-17-2009 08:13 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    Is DBXL indicating the file is in use or is it SharePoint?  DBXL maintains its own locking mechanism separate from SharePoint.  The InfoPath client will lock the form in DBXL and update the lock periodically while the form is open.  There is a potential that the form is not getting unlocked by the InfoPath client.

    Run the following query on the QdabraDBXL database to see the status of the docid in question: 

    USE QdabraDBXL


    SELECT DocID, LockedBy, LockExpires FROM Document WHERE DocID = youdocidhere


  • 09-17-2009 08:25 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    heres' the result of the query while the file is in the 'in use' state...

    DocID LockedBy LockExpires
    131                     NULL

  • 09-17-2009 08:29 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    It is infopath which gives the in use error when opening the form.

    There is a qdabra error in the eventlog which seems to appear after attempting to open the file when locked, which you should be able to see in the eventlog i sent to you...

    "System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict."

  • 09-17-2009 09:23 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    That error is likely more associated with a save operation.  Opening a document should not be doing a SharePoint operation, unless the dbxl submit data connection is set for execute on load.


  • 09-18-2009 01:34 AM In reply to

    Re: problem overwriting sharepoint document?

    Right, well that error might not be relevant I had just noticed it tends to appear round about the same time I see this issue.

     My form is querying the Qdabra AD info webservice on load but thats all, its not doing anything sharepoint related.

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