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Home Blogs Forums Photos Downloads This Blog Home About Syndication RSS Atom Comments RSS Recent Posts Swap the AD Alias and Name Fields in Place Create a Split Public/Private Form Display a Save As Dialog Box Highlight the Active Field Use the SharePoint '[Me]' Filter with a Promoted Property Tags Active Server ADWS Alias ASPX Background Borders Bugs Bullets and Numbering Buttons Cache Cascading Check Boxes Code concat() Conditional Formatting Conditional Visibility copy-of count Cross-Domain current Data Validation Debugging DisplayName domEventHandlers E-Mail Error Errors Events Expression Boxes Extract Form Files File Extension File Types Filters Focus Footer Formatting Forms Full Trust GetNamedNodeProperty Greg Collins Header Help Hyperlinks Internet Explorer Lists Managed Code Me Namespaces New NewFromSolution NewFromSolutionWithData number Numbered Lists OnAfterChange OnClick OnContextChange OnLoad OnSwitchView Operating System Option Buttons Outlook Picture Pictures position preceding preceding-sibling Preserve Code Blocks Printing processing-instructions Promoted Property References RegForm Repeating Sections Repeating Tables Rich Text Boxes Roles Rules Save As Schema Script Secondary Data Sources Sections Security SetNamedNodeProperty SharePoint SQL Style Sheets Submit Task Panes Template Text Boxes Tile Views Visual Studio Warning Windows Explorer Workarounds xdExtension xdXDocument XPath Archives October 2009 (1) April 2009 (1) March 2006 (1) November 2005 (1) September 2005 (1) July 2005 (4) June 2005 (24) March 2005 (2) January 2005 (1) November 2004 (1) October 2004 (1) September 2004 (6) August 2004 (5) July 2004 (20) June 2004 (5) Greg Collins Browse by Tags All Tags » Lists (RSS) Cascading Code concat() Filters preceding Rules Secondary Data Sources Create a Repeating Cascading List from a Hierarchical Data Source It is common to need two or more list boxes where the choices in one are dependant on the value of another. This is known as a cascading list. A cascade can occur with as few as two levels up to any number of levels. Some common scenarios which require... Posted Jul 14 2005, 05:06 PM by Greg Collins with | with 3 comment(s) Filed under: Filters, Secondary Data Sources, Lists, Cascading Create a Repeating Cascading List from a Flat Data Source It is common to need two or more list boxes where the choices in one are dependant on the value of another. This is known as a cascading list. A cascade can occur with as few as two levels up to any number of levels. Some common scenarios which require... Posted Jul 14 2005, 04:03 PM by Greg Collins with | with 9 comment(s) Filed under: Filters, Secondary Data Sources, Lists, Cascading Create a Cascading List from a Hierarchical Data Source It is common to need two or more list boxes where the choices in one are dependant on the value of another. This is known as a cascading list. A cascade can occur with as few as two levels up to any number of levels. Some common scenarios which require... Posted Jul 06 2005, 10:06 AM by Greg Collins with | with 3 comment(s) Filed under: Filters, Secondary Data Sources, Lists, Cascading Create a Cascading List from a Flat Data Source It is common to need two or more list boxes where the choices in one are dependant on the value of another. This is known as a cascading list. A cascade can occur with as few as two levels up to any number of levels. Some common scenarios which require... Posted Jul 06 2005, 07:49 AM by Greg Collins with | with 6 comment(s) Filed under: Filters, Secondary Data Sources, Lists, Cascading Keep Track of List Selections At some point it might be necessary to keep track of order of the selections a user makes in a single list box or drop-down list box. You can accomplish this by writing your own code in an OnAfterChange event handler, or you can use rules. In this task... Posted Jun 09 2005, 06:56 AM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Rules, Code, Lists Display Only Unique Options in a List When list box entries are looked up in either the form's data source or a data connection, you might end up with the user being presented duplicate options. You can correct this, and display only unique options in a list, by using a filter and the... Posted Jun 08 2005, 12:20 PM by Greg Collins with | with 13 comment(s) Filed under: Filters, Lists, preceding Populate a Drop-Down List Box via a Secondary Data Source One great feature of InfoPath SP1 is the ability to quickly populate a drop-down list box from a variety of data sources. One such data sources is an XML file that has been added to the form as a secondary data source. A common mistake is binding the... Posted Jul 28 2004, 11:14 AM by Greg Collins with | with 1 comment(s) Filed under: Secondary Data Sources, Lists Populate a Drop-Down List Box via Code NOTE: This article was written for the original InfoPath 2003, which did not support secondary data sources. You can still use code to populate a drop-down list box, but the better approach is to have the drop-down list populate from a secondary data... Posted Jul 12 2004, 12:31 PM by Greg Collins with | with 8 comment(s) Filed under: Code, Lists Display Multiple Fields in a Drop-Down List Box While developing your InfoPath form, you might need to have a drop-down list box display more information from more than one field. This is actually quite simple by manually modifying your view .xsl file. In this task we will demonstrate the changes necessary... Posted Jul 08 2004, 02:33 PM by Greg Collins with | with 2 comment(s) Filed under: Lists, concat() Copyright © 2003-2019 Qdabra Software. All rights reserved.View our Terms of Use.