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I actually noticed it happening several weeks earlier, but didn't have the time then to find out what was going on. I've reported this problem to Microsoft. In order to avoid numerous potential problems... Posted Sep 17 2004, 04:44 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Rules, Views, Expression Boxes, Conditional Formatting, Workarounds, Bugs I Just Can't Focus with This Section in My View I uncovered the source of this problem on 2004-09-17 after a tester had a usability issue on some other work I was doing. I've reported this problem to Microsoft. DESCRIPTION: A common design scenario that you may want to use it to have a set of option... Posted Sep 17 2004, 03:16 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Conditional Visibility, Workarounds, Bugs, Sections, Focus A Tall Tale About My Field I uncovered this problem quite a while ago, but on 2004-09-02 it finally got to me enough, when I needed to actually use a structure like this, to write something about it. I've reported this problem to Microsoft. DESCRIPTION: There is an problem... Posted Sep 02 2004, 10:48 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Repeating Tables, Workarounds, Bugs, Sections, Text Boxes Expressions of Dissociative Identity Disorder I uncovered this problem on 2004.08.20 while transferring some work from a form I had created earlier to a similar form I was working on. Af first I thought it was a curious little thing, but didn't give much thought to it as I was against a deadline... Posted Aug 21 2004, 09:37 AM by Greg Collins with | with 1 comment(s) Filed under: Expression Boxes, Workarounds, Bugs Choose Your Section Wisely I uncovered this problem on 2004-08-18 while hard at work creating a form. It caused me quite a headache at first until I was able to narrow and then finally track down the problem. I've reported it to Microsoft. DESCRIPTION: The problem seems to... Posted Aug 18 2004, 07:17 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Workarounds, Bugs, Sections Flaky Data Validation Visuals STATUS: Fixed in InfoPath 2003 SP1. SCOPE: Occurs in both V1 and SP-1. Not language specific. DESCRIPTION: On 2004.07.23, I was sent a form to help track down an issue where dashed red lines that appears when data for a particular field is invalid. After... Posted Jul 23 2004, 01:35 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Data Validation, Workarounds, Bugs Master-Detail Table Row Reordering: Safety Tips STATUS: Fixed in InfoPath 2003 SP1. DESCRIPTION: I uncovered this previously unknown problem on 2004-07-17 while updating the InfoPathDev Web site using an RSS 2.0 Generator InfoPath form I created. I've reported it to Microsoft. I wanted to reorder... Posted Jul 17 2004, 02:02 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Repeating Tables, Workarounds, Bugs, Repeating Sections, Master-Detail Using Rules to Update Fields in a Table Row While working today on my example form, Populating Table Row After Selection (Rules) , I had an epiphany—a possible way of accomplishing this without resorting to manually editing the XSL or using code. The concept was to create a Support secondary... Posted Jul 06 2004, 04:28 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Rules, Repeating Tables, Workarounds, Bugs Faulty Condition Expressions 2004-07-03 I uncovered this bug today while trying to figure out why an InfoPathDev example form I've been preparing hasn't been working correctly. I've reported it to my Microsoft contacts, but it is unlikely that there will be any fix for... Posted Jul 03 2004, 08:23 AM by Greg Collins with | with 1 comment(s) Filed under: Conditional Formatting, Workarounds, Bugs How to Really Depress a Button! Status: Not fixed as of the InfoPath 2003 SP2 release. I uncovered this bug merely on 2004-07-03 and reported it to my Microsoft contacts. I discovered that you can get a button into a depressed state and have it stuck there until you release it with... Posted Jul 03 2004, 06:32 AM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Buttons, Workarounds, Bugs Min/Max Error Message Limitation I wrote to my Microsoft contact a while back to request that a future version of InfoPath make the repeating sections smart enough to realize that they have hit the specified min or max limit and then hide the appropriate widget for insert or remove.... Posted Jul 01 2004, 05:05 PM by Greg Collins with | with 1 comment(s) Filed under: Repeating Tables, Workarounds, Bugs, Repeating Sections, Errors Too Lazy to Switch Views STATUS: Fixed in InfoPath 2003 SP1 DESCRIPTION: While working on a project for Microsoft, Patrick Halstead and I were using some complex Open Rules and were having trouble getting things to work right. So, under the pressure of a deadline, we decided... Posted Jul 01 2004, 04:37 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: OnLoad, Rules, Views, Workarounds, Bugs Conditional Formatting Conundrum STATUS: Fixed in InfoPath 2003 SP2. SCOPE: SP1 Managed Code. DESCRIPTION: I uncovered this bug on 2004-03-08 and reported it to my Microsoft contacts. It was at that point unknown to Microsoft. This bug is managed code specific, meaning it will not happen... Posted Jun 29 2004, 06:12 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Conditional Formatting, Workarounds, Bugs I Just Can't Keep the Rules! STATUS: Potentially fixed in InfoPath 2003 SP2. DESCRIPTION: I uncovered this bug on 2004-02-17 and reported it to my Microsoft contacts. It was at that point unknown to Microsoft. The rules that you defined actually remain in the manifest. The bug is... Posted Jun 29 2004, 05:57 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: Rules, Visual Studio, Managed Code, Workarounds, Bugs, ruleSets, domEventHandlers, OnAfterChange The Case of the Missing PI DAY 1 (2004-06-24) I was just working with a set of forms where a non-managed code (i.e. JScript)—hereafter referred to as NMC—form launches a managed code (i.e. C#)—hereafter referred to as MC—form and passes in its data using... Posted Jun 24 2004, 05:57 PM by Greg Collins with | with no comments Filed under: OnLoad, Managed Code, Code, NewFromSolutionWithData, processing-instructions, Workarounds, Bugs, Script Copyright © 2003-2019 Qdabra Software. All rights reserved.View our Terms of Use.